Attach pockets to any of your pocketless garments with this simple in-seam pocket guide!
- 1/2m of matching or contrasting fabric.
- Sewing machine
- Overlocker
- Existing garment
- Seam ripper
- Chalk
- Print out downloadable pattern
- Cut out 4 x pocket pieces
- On your garment using chalk mark out where you want the pockets to sit
- Using your seam ripper, remove the seam within the marks.
- Pull the threads to one side and tie off. This will ensure the garment is secure and will not unravel further. Trim threads
- Remove the overlocking threads.
- Using your scissors, clip the chalk marks made from step 1.
- Optional: Overlock the outside of the 4 pocket pieces to prevent them from fraying. If your fabric is not prone to fraying or does not fray, Skip ahead to step 7
- Separate the pocket opening on your garment and attach one pocket piece. Ensuring you match right sides together. Using your sewing machine attach together.
- Using your overlocker, overlock the seam.
- Repeat steps 7 & 8 on the other side.
- Pin pocket seams together. Sew and overlock.
- Repeat process for other side of garment to achieve a left and right-side pocket.