SKU: S006813008

SINGER® 5mm Cording Snap-On Presser foot for Mechanical Machines

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The Singer cording foot is mainly used to add surface embellishment to fabrics, but it has some practical uses, too. You’ll have fun adding your own style to projects with this foot!

Stitches/Fabric Suitable:
- Zig zag stitch

Suits Machines:
- 1306 - 1408 - 1108 - 1507 - 4411 - 4423 - 7469 - SE300 - 9100 - 9960 - 6160
- 6660 - 8768 - 4432 - 3221 - 3223 + coloured - 3333 - 3337 - 7465 - CP6355M



How to use:

1. Attach foot by removing current foot off the shank and clicking the cording foot on, refer to your
machine manual on how to do this for your machine.

2. Set your machine to desired zig-zag stitch or select a decorative stitch. With the stitch width set
wide enough to cover the width of the cords. Experiment with various types of stitches and decorative
threads to create unique combinations.

3. The guide on the top of the foot has three slots in which to place cords. To load the cords into the
slots on the top of the foot, simply slide the cords in from the right. Load the left cord first, then the
centre cord and finally the right cord.

4. Any type of cord from yarn to thin braid can be used in the cording foot, as long as it is thin enough
to easily pass through the slots on the top of the foot. The bottom of the cording foot has grooves
which allow the cords and dense stitching to pass freely underneath.


1 Review

  • Couching foot

    Posted by Lorraine pratt on 16th Sep 2024

    Omg this is a stress saver, and a time saver
