You can easily add your own style to your bedroom with a new cushion cover! Superheroes, Cupcakes, or Stripes - your fabric choice is all that limits you.
Level: Beginner
Skills Learnt: Straight Stitch, Inserting a zipper, Trimming seam allowances
Shopping List
- Half metre of fabric.
- 12” Zipper
- 41cm Cushion Insert
- Coordinating threads
- Zipper Foot
- Fabric pencil
- Ruler
- Scissors
- Iron
Cutting Preparation
- Fold your half meter of fabric in half, iron the fold to make a definite fold.Measure 42cm from this fold and then draw the line onto the fabric with the fabric marker. From the top of this line measure and draw out another 42cm across, and then draw a third line from the top line back down to the fold.
- Cut the fabric out using the lines you drew as a guide. Lastly unfold the fabric and cut along the crease left behind from the fold. You should now have 2 x 42cm squares.
Basic Zipper Insertion
- Place your two pieces of fabric together with the wrong sides facing out.
- Pin along one side of the cushion cover.
- Place your zipper in the middle of this side.
- Mark the ends of the zipper with a pin on either side.
- Sew a Straight stich, until you reach the pin you marked for the zipper, back stitch 2-3 stitches.
- Change the stitch to a large Zig Zag Stitch using the stitch selector wheel.
- Continue stitching with the Zig Zag stitch until you reach the other pin you marked for your zipper.
- Change the Stitch back to the straight stitch you were originally using and continue to the end of the fabric,backstitching at the end.
- Press the seam open.
- Attach the Zipper foot to your machine. The feet for the Start 1306 snap on and off, so all you need to do is pull the all-purpose foot off the machine and snap on the zipper foot.
- With the right side of the fabric facing upwards, top stitch the zipper opening nice and close to the zipper teeth starting on the upper right hand side.
- Sew down to the bottom of the zipper opening, pivot the cushion around to sew across the zipper bottom. (make sure you do not stitch into the zipper stop).
- Pivot again and stitch back up the other side of the zipper opening.
- Using the seam ripper unpick the Zig Zag stitches which will reveal the zipper underneath.
- The Zipper insertion is complete.
Sewing the Cushion together
- Fold the cushion back in half with the wrong sides facing outward. Make sure the Zipper is open and then pin the three remaining sides of the cushion.
- Sew around all three sides of the cushion using a straight stitch and a seam allowance of 1cm. At each corner pivot, to continue sewing around the three sides.
- Trim the corners.
- Zig Zag Stitch along the edges of the seam allowance to prevent the fabric from fraying.
- Turn the Cushion Cover the right way out and insert your cushion.
- Zip up the zipper and your Cushion Cover is complete.