
Learn & Create

Maternity Sewing - The beginning...
Well, hello there! Gosh, it's been a while. Before you ask, yes, my beautiful baby boy 'L' was born on the afternoon of January 1st. I won't be sharing any photos of him online but I do have lots of baby-related sewing to catch you up on.Time moves differently with a baby in the house and while I imagined my days filled with the usual sewing and blogging while the baby slept the reality has been very different. I'll

13th May 2020

To The Moon! Baby Bouncer Cover
In mid-2018 J, who I work with and was a few weeks away from going on Parental Leave, approached me shyly in the photocopier room. Her sister had given her their old Baby Björn Soft Balance Bouncer frame but had lost the cover and was wondering if I could sew up a new one for her.The pattern we ended up using is by Twee emmerkes water, you’ll find it here.This pattern free but the author checked with Baby Björn that

27th Nov 2019