This easy bench seat cover is secure and easily removable without zips!
Requirements List:
- Cut Foam to the size of your bench (Ours was 60cm x 1.8m)
- Heavy Duty Fabric
- Denim needle for machine
- Matching thread
- Scissors
- You will need 3 pieces of fabric.
The top piece will be 65cm x 1.85M (10cm longer than your foam length to allow for extra seam width if you are overlocking.) You also don’t want the cover to be too tight or it will be too difficult to insert your foam.
The two bottom pieces will form the ‘envelope’ and will each be 65cm x 1m.
- Firstly, fold over and sew the edges of each short size of the 2 ‘envelope’ pieces to prevent fraying. Don’t forget that for heavy-duty outdoor fabric you will need the correct needle.
We used the blue, denim needle for our thick cotton.
- Now pin your pieces right sides together with the ‘envelope’ pieces lapping over each other.
- Then cut a 2.5cm x 2.5cm piece out of each corner – this will depend on how thick your foam is. (Ours was 4cm thick- so 2.5 plus 2.5 gives us a total corner length of 5cm allowing for room to fit in the foam comfortably.)
- Overlock or sew and zig-zag all the straight edges.
- Fold in each of the cut corners with the side seams matching and stitch securely.
- Reinforce the seams where the envelope crosses over- as this will get extra wear when you are inserting and removing the foam when washing the cover.
- Once your foam is popped into the cover, your edges should sit into the boxed corner as per the photo below.