The Rolled Hem Foot, sometimes also known as the narrow hem foot, is used to sew a very narrow hem.
The foot folds the raw edge of your fabric under before it passes under the needle. For garment, home decor or any type of sewing, the rolled hem foot provides a professional looking finish.
Making a Narrow Hem
The Rolled Hem foot is well suited for light to medium weight fabrics.
Trim down the edge of the fabric to be hemmed so that the hem allowance is 1/2"
Press under 1/8" to the wrong side for the first 2-3" of your hem edge. Press under the same amount - 1/8", to the wrong side again.
Place the fabric under the foot. As you lower the Rolled Hem Foot guide the folded edge of the fabric into the scroll shaped opening at the front of the foot.
Hold the thread tails at the back of the presser foot as you begin to sew. Guide the fabric into the foot with the raw edge folded once so that the scroll shaped opening of the foot can double fold your hem as you sew.
Continue stitching your hem until you come to end of your fabric, continuing to guide the fabric into with the foot with the raw edge folded. This technique can take some time practice but once you have it mastered it is a time saver!
Narrow Hem Finish for Many Applications
You can use the Rolled Hem Foot to hem fabric edges for many applications.
Hem the edge of a long, narrow strip of fabric to make your own ribbon.
Hem the edge of sheer,fashion fabric for an elegant, professional finish.

You can use the Rolled Hem Foot to couch a cord or fine yarn onto fabric.
Place the cord into the scroll of the foot from the underside of the foot and guide the cording towards the back of the foot in the groove.
Attach the presser foot to your Singer Sewing Machine
Set your Singer Sewing Machine to a zig zag stitch and set the width so that it is wide enough to stitch over the right and left sides of the cord.
Stitch the cord feeding it into the scroll of the Rolled Hem Foot as you sew.
You can optionally use a fabric marker yo draw guidelines on your fabric for cord placement.