Mitering is a method of minimizing bulk - for example, in the corners of the patch pockets or on lengths of applied trim or ribbon. The two edges of fabric are joined diagonally to create a neat, flat miter.
Mitering Corners of Patch Pockets
- Press all seam allowances to the inside of the pocket. Open the seam allowances and fold the corner diagonally so the crease marks line up at the seam line. Press the diagonal and fold.
- Open the fabric and refold, right sides together, bringing together the crease marks in the corner seam allowance. Stitch along the pressed diagonal fold.
- Trim the corner seam allowance to 3/8" (1cm) and press open.
Mitering Applied Trim and Ribbon
Mark the placement lines for the trim with a water or air-soluble pen. Pin or glue the trim along the placement line until it meets the corner. Topstitch both edges of the trim, stopping at the corner.
- Fold the trim back on itself and finger-press. Fold the trim diagonally to form a right angle along the intersecting placement line. Refold the trim back on itself and stitch directly through the diagonal crease.
- Fold the trim back down so it turns the corner smoothly and neatly. Press. Pin or glue the trim along the placement line. Topstitch along both edges.
Tip: Do not pull trim taut. Stitch slowly, easing around corners so the trim lies flat.