A Blind Stitch Foot is required to do a blind hem.
The blind hem stitch is primarily used for hemming curtains, trousers, skirts, etc.
Presser Foot - Blind Stitch Foot
Thread Tension Control - Auto
- First you need to finish the raw edge. Turn the raw edge under on fine fabrics or overcasting it on medium to heavyweight fabrics. Then turn the hem up the required depth, press and pin in place.
- Now fold the fabric as Illustrated with the wrong side up.
- Place your prepared fabric under the foot. Turn the handwheel towards you by hand until the needle moves fully to the left. It then should just pierce the fabric. If it doesn't adjust the guide (B) on the Blindhem Foot (A) so the needle just pierces the fabric fold and the guide rests against the fold.
- When completed, the stitching is almost invisible on the right side of the fabric.
Tip: for a narrower or wider blindhem, first manually adjust the width and length controls to suit your desired meaurements. Then adjust the guide on the Blindhem Foot. Sew slowly, guiding the fabric carefully along the edge of the guide.
It takes some practice to sew blind hems perfectly. Always do some practise tests first.
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